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Photo exhibition: From the visible to the invisible

Plants and their living microcosm

30.10.2024 – 11.12.2024

From the visible to the invisible – plants and their living microcosm
30th of October till 11th of December 2024, Grüner Saal, Botanical Garden Munich-Nymphenburg

Even though microorganisms are invisible to the naked eye, they are crucial for plant health and, consequently, our food security. While biological processes occur inside cells at the microscopic or sub-microscopic level, their effects are often visible without magnification. Whether a plant is thriving due to a symbiotic relationship or suffering from pathogen attacks, the external appearance of leaves, roots, and fruits can quickly indicate its health status.

The exhibition "From the Visible to the Invisible" showcases various perspectives on the diverse interactions between plants and microbes through macro and microphotography. Researchers from the TRR356 PlantMicrobe consortium provide a microscopic view into hidden cellular worlds with their images. At the same time, macro photographs from the public competition "Plants and Their Microcosm" reveal aspects of plant-microbe interactions visible to the naked eye. The exhibition explains in an accessible way what lies behind these detailed images.

For children, there will be a drawing table and a digital play station offering entertainment related to the exhibition.