Confocal Microscope
Our Leica TCS SP5 MP (Ti:Sapphire laser) spectral FLIM (2 FLIM detectors) CLSM
is located at the Biocenter, room G03.058 (contact Thomas Ott).
Telephone CLSM room is: 74711 (comment: be aware that mobile phones often do not work in this room).
If you (temporary) need the full version of the Leica-AF software, two licence-dongles are available (the software can be installed on any PC, but runs only if the dongle is plugged in).
The free LAS-AF-Lite software for the SP5 can be downloaded from the Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy (London), at the free software for image analysis and visualisation pages. There are also further links to SP5 compatible software (ImageJ, CellProfiler, Leica software, Improvision volocity 'lite' - you need to register, nice 3D features).
The Becker & Hickl FLIM photo counting software (currently version TCSPC 2.80, for our setup) is freely available on request. The FLIM handbook - shortened to specifically deal with our FLIM system - is available on request.